Get involved
How to get involved
WRW comprises representatives from various different abstractors who are working collaboratively together to build a strong plan to meet the region’s water needs. As a group, we welcome feedback and input from various different sources to ensure we consider all possibilities and develop the best possible plan for the region.
To register your interest in further updates and the potential for local engagement please complete the form on the right .
To join our on-line discussion please visit our IdeaStream collaboration platform here.
If you would like to feed into our plan or have any other comments, please send them to us at: waterresourceswest@outlook.com or you can use our contact form.
IdeaStream has now launched here.
IdeaStream is Water Resources West’s new online collaboration platform. It allows people to get involved in our consultations and plans to shape the future of water resources across the North West, the Midlands and the cross-border catchments with Wales
In IdeaStream you’ll be able to join discussion forums to share your ideas and collaborate with people from multiple sectors. You’ll also find a host of consultations to get involved with.
As you will be aware, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for our water resources is incredibly important. We estimate that the region will need over additional 200 million litres of water per day by 2050, meaning that we must work together to find new opportunities to meet these needs.
It’s vital that interested groups from across Wales, the North West and Midlands feed into these plans. We need to understand your needs, ambitions and opportunities, so we can ensure that we are prepared for the future.
So join IdeaStream and help us shape the future of water.
It’s easy to join, simply click here. Feel free to explore the site and when you are ready, please register and join the conversations!
Register for further updates and engagement opportunities
Please register your interest here, and we will keep you informed of our work and opportunities to engage.