Tomorrow’s Water.
Today’s Challenge.
One of today’s biggest challenges is tomorrow’s water.
By 2050 we’re going to need over 200 million additional litres per day.
It has to come from somewhere. We’re working together to make a plan.
Water Resources West is a group of abstractors, their representatives and their regulators. We are working together to ensure the sustainability of water resources, considering wider societal needs, environmental improvement and working across sectors.
Our region spans some of the biggest shared catchments in England and Wales, including the Dee, the Severn and the Wye. It’s a diverse region where 18 million people live and have aspirations for a thriving environment and a growing economy. As a group, Water Resources West is building an ambitious long-term, multi-sector adaptive water resources plan that reflects the needs and characteristics of our region. Challenges, such as climate change, and opportunities, for example to share water resources to improve resilience, will be factored into our plans.
There are significant uncertainties in forecasts of growth and climate change and we will consider these as we develop our plans. Our ambition to make our water resources better in the future extends to wellbeing, environmental improvement, economic growth, resilience and water demand management. We also want to explore the potential for water transfers to meet the needs of more water stressed areas and bring benefits to the region.
On this website you will find our draft plan for how our members will meet the region’s water needs . This is being used, along with your feedback, to shape further development of the region’s water resources plans.
About us
Water Resources West is a group of abstractors, their representatives and their regulators. We are working together to ensure the sustainability of water resources, considering wider societal needs, environmental improvement and working across sectors.
Our members
Water Resources West is a group of abstractors, their representatives and their regulators. We are working together to ensure the sustainability of water resources, considering wider societal needs, environmental improvement and working across sectors.